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Director’s Newsletter #25 - 18, February 24

Director’s Newsletter #25-18, February 24, 2019 Good afternoon everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Here are the items covered in this week’s newsletter:

•Mulch Contest & Section Standings •Mulch Delivery •Solo & Ensemble •Objectives •Full Orchestra UIL •Reagan HS Percussion Contest •A Few Words From Me

Mulch Contest & Section Standings

Today is your last chance to purchase mulch. Sales will stop at midnight tonight! The section contest has been extremely tight, especially for among the top 3. We announced this week that the top 2 sections will now both win the contest! As of now, we have a TIE for 2nd place. In the event of a tie, we will average to the 100th as the tie breaker.

Below are the current section standings:

Section - Bags sold per member of section

Low Woodwinds & Oboes 24.07 French Horns 21.50 Clarinets 21.48 Percussion 13.31 Trumpets 13.24 Baritones 11.57 Flutes 6.92 Trombones 6.38 Tubas 6.33 Saxophones 3.65 Guard 2.46

Some people have asked if they can donate money for a section to count towards the contest. Yes! We will calculate how much mulch the donation would purchase, and add that number of bags to the specific section.

I’m sure things will become even more interesting in the next few hours!

Mulch Delivery

Mulch delivery is this Saturday, March 2nd and we need help. We’d like all band members to help with delivery, as we will put teams together. Additionally, we need adults to help as well. Since this is our first year delivering, we can’t give you a specific time we will finish by, however we are hoping to be done by 1 pm.

Additionally, while we need adults, we also need adults with trucks. We will be using a few trailers but most product will be carried in the bed of a truck. If there is anyone who is available to either pull a trailer or haul mulch in your truck, please contact Jerry Crittenden at

Students & volunteers need to report to the band hall at 8 am.

Thank you and we look forward to a great delivery day!

Solo & Ensemble

Congratulations to all of our students who participated in the Solo & Ensemble contest this past Thursday. While learning a solo is optional, it is great to see so many students take an initiative to learn additional music on their instrument, and put themselves in a position to be critiqued. This will only make them greater and more experienced students for our team. If your student did not participate in solo & ensemble this year, please encourage them to do so for next year.


We are now in the 6th week of this grading period. Student objectives sheets are due this week! Ask to see your student’s objectives sheet to see what they’ve completed at this point. Sheets have not been turned in or accepted by directors as of yet. Due dates are posted at the top of each objective sheet as well.

Full Orchestra UIL

The full orchestra will have their formal UIL assessment on Thursday at Clark HS. The full orchestra performs at 1:50 pm. The performance is free and open to the public.

Reagan HS Percussion Contest

Some of our percussion ensembles will be performing at the Reagan Chamber Music competition this Saturday. At this time, the schedule has yet to be released but as information comes out, Mr. Suarez will be sure to forward that along.

A Few Words From Me

I recently read something interesting that discussed the quote “With great power, comes great

responsibility.” While this may sound like a quote of a famous philosopher from hundreds of years ago, it was actually from the movie Spider Man. The author discussed how this quote is much better by switching the nouns and turning the quote into “With great responsibility, comes great power.”

This made me think of each of our students in the program. While every person has a different role to fulfill, everyone has responsibility. This responsibility includes what our students do at home, in the classroom, and really in their everyday lives. When this responsibility is fulfilled by the students BEST EFFORT, their power, or influence is positively felt in our program.

While our curriculum focus is music targeted, our program culture is about teaching life lessons that turn our students into great people. Our vehicle to do so, just happens to be band. Please understand that when we hold each of our students to the expectation of fulfilling their responsibilities, it is with this in mind.

Please be sure to check the calendar below for this week’s events and as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at


-Mr. Asgari


2/25/19 - Monday - JV Winter Guard Rehearsal, 4:30 pm - 6 pm 2/25/19 - Monday - Jazz 1 Saxes, 4:30 pm -- 2/26/19 - Tuesday -Jazz Combo, 7:30 am 2/26/19 - Tuesday - Jazz 1 Brass, 4:30 pm 2/26/19 - Tuesday - Percussion Ensemble, 4:30 pm 2/26/19 - Tuesday - Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal, 6 pm - 8 pm -- 2/27/19 - Wednesday - Non-Varsity Woodwinds, 7:30 am 2/27/19 - Wednesday - Full Orchestra, 7: 30 am 2/27/19 - Wednesday - Percussion Ensemble, 4:30 pm 2/27/19 - Wednesday - Varsity Woodwinds, 4:30 pm 2/27/19 - Wednesday - JV Winter Guard Rehearsal,4:30 pm - 6pm -- 2/28/19 - Thursday - Percussion Ensemble, 7:30 am 2/28/19 - Thursday - Non-Varsity Brass, 7:30 am 2/28/19 - Thursday - Full Orchestra UIL @ Clark HS, 1:50 pm 2/28/19 - Thursday - Full Jazz 1, 4:30 pm 2/28/19 - Thursday - Freshman/A3 Woodwinds, 4:30 pm 2/28/19 - Thursday - Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal, 6 pm - 8 pm -- 3/01/19 - Friday - Percussion Ensemble, 7:30 am 3/01/19 - Friday - Varsity Ensemble, 7:30 am 3/01/19 - Friday - Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal, 4:30 pm - 6 pm 3/02/19 - Saturday - MULCH DELIVERY, 8 am 3/02/19 - Saturday - Percussion Ensemble @ Reagan HS, TBA

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