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Director's Newsletter - Summer #2, July 29

Director’s Newsletter - Summer Band #2 - 18, July 29, 2018

Hello everyone,


Marching season is fully upon us, with the start of full summer band beginning tomorrow, July 30th. I hope everyone has had a great summer with your families, and taken some time off for a little R&R. The next 4 weeks will be FULL of quite a few events and important dates for you to remember and prepare for so please, bear with the length of this newsletter.

This past month has been great for the Bronco band, completing our percussion, guard and leadership camps! All of our students and staff worked extremely hard to make a great progression as we jump into full band rehearsals.

Also, a VERY BIG thank you to Mr. Jerry Crittenden, Mrs. Michelle Crittenden & Mr. Neal Lamouruex for their help this last month with prop design, materials, and logistics. An extra thank you to Mr. Lamouruex for getting our trailers inspected and ready for use this upcoming school year. Also, thank you to Mrs. Krista Burroughs, who provided lunch for all of our percussion kids and staff the last day of their camp!

Every GREAT organization, no matter what industry, is built with the help of many people, and I know throughout the year, we will have many more great parents to thank for their time and selfless dedication to our band program.

***An important logistic note for all of our parents and students driving. On Wednesday, August 1st, we will be having a special event on our campus. Because of this, NISD police officers will be conducting traffic. Should you be stopped in the parking lot, please be sure to communicate to the officers that you are here for summer band. I will personally let our leading officer know to be expecting you the rest of the week to avoid a hold up.***

Here are a few details about upcoming rehearsals and camps.

I have listed this week’s schedule below, but our full schedule is available on our website HERE and will also be constantly updated as the year goes on. Please remember that these dates and time are ALWAYS subject to change.

And now about the heat...

For the well being of our students, we do REQUIRE that all students have proper low top athletic shoes (no vans, converse, skate shoes, sandals), hats, sunglasses, sunblock and a water jug for ALL REHEARSALS. Please be certain that if your student is a FRESHMAN, that he or she also wears their navy shorts and white T-shirt as well. As everyone is aware, it has been extremely hot out, and we want to have the students as best prepared to handle the heat.

Registration for students will also be this week, from August 1st - August 3rd, from 4pm - 8pm. Please check what day below, you and your student will need to register. At registration, among other things, we will begin our Bronco Card fundraiser! Many thanks to Mr. Ignacio Sierra for being our chairperson for this fundraiser, and getting all the materials ready to hand out to the kids and parents.

A few fun details about this fundraiser is there is a contest running for the students until August 23rd. The top 3 students who have sold the most Bronco Cards, and have turned in their money by the 23rd, will win a cash prize, of $50/$30/$20 respectively.

Also during registration, we will have Morgan Photography set up in BH2 to take individual photos of your students. They will be producing buttons as well, that will be ready prior to our first game for you to show your Bronco Band spirit! See the order form for this HERE and you can pay for these photo packages at registration.

On Tuesday, August 7th, we will have our 1st Bronco Band Booster meeting of the year. PLEASE put this on your calendar and come out. There will be a great amount of information to relay to you about the upcoming school year as well as a chance for you to get any questions answered.

Our Summer Band concert this year will be on Wednesday, August 22nd at 7pm on the practice field. Bring your lawn chairs & coolers and get a special preview of our 2018 Bronco Band for what will make a fun night!

The following day, August 23rd, will be the Meet The Bronco event on the JV football field. The event is scheduled to begin at 7pm, but I HIGHLY suggest you arrive early, as this event will include all of the Brandeis Spirit and Athletic programs. Space will be limited.

During this event, the Brandeis community will also be collecting jars of peanut butter for this year’s Peanut Butter Bowl. Please bring 16oz - 18oz plastic containers of creamy peanut butter to donate, as they will be collected and passed out to help feed students in need.

Lastly, I have been and will continue to meet with every member of our program individually, for a brief moment to get to know a little more about your student. It’s extremely important to me to learn more about all of our students and this is the best way I have found that will accomplish this. Interviews will be happening by sections, throughout summer band, after rehearsals are complete.

Also, all sections will be on a rotating schedule for facilities wrap up at the end of each day. Please communicate with your students on when both their interview and section assignments will be happening, so you are aware of why they may be later than usual to come out from the band hall.

The next newsletter will not be out until August 26th, so should you have any questions, please contact me at and I will be sure to get you what you need.

Thank you and GO BRONCOS!

-Mr. Asgari


1– 3: Summer Band cont’d from July 30: 7:30 am to 3 pm (W-F)

1: Registration for Senior/Junior and uniform fitting

2: Registration for Sophomore and uniform fitting

3: Registration for Freshmen and uniform fitting

6 – 10: Summer Band: 7:30 am to 3 pm (M-F)

7: Band Booster Meeting 7 pm (Tuesday)

14 – 17: Summer Band: 7:30 am to 11 am (T-F)

20: Summer Band: 7:30 am to 9:30 am (Monday)

21: Marching Band CLINIC 7:30 am - 2:30 pm

22 - 23: Summer Band 7:30 am to 9:30 am (Th & F)

22: Teacher Appreciation Breakfast from 8:30 am to 9 am (Band Boosters)

22: Summer Band Concert: 7 pm (Wednesday)


23: Meet The Bronco Night (TIME TBA)

27: First Day of School

31: Football Game vs. Johnson, Farris Stadium 7:30 pm

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