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Director's Newsletter #2-18, September 2

Director’s Newsletter - #2 - 18, September 2, 2018

Hello everyone,

Happy Labor Day weekend! I hope you enjoy the extra day with your family, friends & loved ones and take some time to rest and relax. The first week of school flew right by and here we are, heading into week 2.

Thank you to all of our parent volunteers who helped make our first football game a success! From pre game to post game, there are so many people involved in making sure our band is going to have a great game. Parents who helped with game day meals, uniforms, chaperones, roadies and spirit sales, thank you for all that you do. And of course we have to thank our driver of Big Lou, Mr. Guy Mullin for getting our trailer to and from the game. We appreciate you Mr. Mullin!

As a reminder, if paying band fees in 3 installments, the 2nd payment is now due. Please be sure you or your student come and see me, so that I may notate payment.

With Thursday Night Lights upon us this week, it is time to start voting for the Bronco Band as your favorite TNL band of the season! Each year, the band with the most votes will receive $5,000 to support the band program and the Bronco Band has won it 2 years in a row! Let’s keep the streak going this year! Every day, text BAND3 to 44332 to vote for the Bronco Band. This will continue until the end of the high school football season.

If you still have Bronco Cards out, please continue to sell them and turn in your money. We have less than 1,000 cards unsold and are making a push to sell out in 2018! I have a few packages of cards left in the office as well for those of you looking to sell more. Just come by or have your student to come see me in the band office for more.

Congratulations to Tuba player Stephen Oddo, Trombone player Ian Hoggard, Guard member Kamari Mayfield, Drum Captain Nick Burroughs, and the Trombones for being awarded our Freshman, Band Member, Guard Member, Officer, and Section of the Week respectively. These students and section have shown an outstanding commitment to excellence in our program and the awards are much deserved. Congrats again!

(Photo Credit: Krista Burroughs)

I recently posted some information regarding our Game Day Protocol. If you have yet to read that, please do so to make sure you are aware of our usual routine.

With last week full of so many extras, students who did not playoff last week’s objectives by last Thursday will be heard with this week’s objectives, without penalty.

With Monday off and the game on Thursday, this week is going to feel very fast. Please be sure to double check our schedule below and make sure your student is where they need to be. As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at


-Mr. Asgari


9/3/18 - Monday - OFF

9/4/18 - Tuesday - Drum Major Sectional 7:45am

9/4/18 - Tuesday - Rehearsal 4:30pm - 6:30pm

9/5/18 - Wednesday - Morning Rehearsal 7am

9/5/18 - Wednesday - Thursday Night Lights TV Pep Rally, A1 & Battery Only 7am

9/5/18 - Wednesday - BLT Meeting 4:15pm

9/5/18 - Wednesday - Jazz Combo Rehearsal 4:30pm

9/5/18 - Wednesday - Percussion Sectional 4:30pm - 6:30pm

9/6/18 - Thursday - Pep Rally 7am

9/6/18 - Thursday - Brandeis @ Stevens, 7:00pm @ Gustafson Stadium

9/7/18 - Friday - OFF

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