Director's Newsletter #11-18, November 4
Director’s Newsletter #11-18, November 4, 2018
Good afternoon everyone!
This week was full of events with plenty more on the schedule so we’ll jump right into it.
Congratulations to each member of the Bronco Band & Color Guard as our 2018 competition season has concluded with a performance at Bands of America, San Antonio. This is one of the most competitive contests in the country, and this year was no exception with 84 performing groups this year! With such a big contest, there are many moving parts to the event so this could not happen without our parent chaperones and roadies commitment to our program. Thank you for taking a day off to spend with us, and making sure our kids were taken care of! You’re the absolute best in the business!
Our annual fall dinner on Tuesday was a huge success, with students selling more than 1,000 plates, our most ever! It was great to see our future Broncos in the Garcia and Stinson Middle School bands perform that night, and spend some time on campus! Thank you to Garcia Band Directors Mrs. Esparza & Mrs. Perkins, and Stinson Band Directors Mr. Melendez & Mr. Lehman for kicking us off with your great programs! As with any event of this size, it never happens without the help of many. A huge thank you to Ms. Mercy Aguirre, Ms. Larisa Langley, and Ms. Stacey Barry for chairing this great tradition. Another special thank you to all who donated items, time, and efforts into making this a great night!
While marching contest season is now over, the level of which we work and the growth of our program must continue. We discussed this with the students and stressed that we have to shift our mentality from the usual “marching season” and “concert season,” to the mindset that every student is in “GET BETTER SEASON” from the day they step foot on the Brandeis campus, to the day they walk the stage at graduation.
Every elite band program in the country uses the entire year to improve and set each performance up as their best yet. We’ve let students know that the best way to do this, is to get excited about being EXCELLENT at their instrument. Behaviors to accomplish this include practicing daily, taking private lessons if within your family budget, preparing to audition at region band, and taking time to help a teammate.
The greater our individual skill set and team relationships, the greater the growth our program will have, and sooner.
We are currently beginning the 5th week of the 2nd six-weeks grading period. This is the last week students have to make their first attempt on their objectives. As long as students make their first attempt on an objective this week, they can retest objectives up until next Thursday, for as high of a grade as possible. Please make sure they see a director this week or make an appointment as well.
Congratulations to trombone player Sophia Pinon, oboe & saxophone player Stephen Toedt, Guard member Melinah Gonzales, Color Guard Co-Captain Emily Powell, and the Tubas for being awarded our Freshman, Band Member, Guard Member, Officer, and Section of the Week respectively. We love seeing students step up each and every week, pushing us to improve every day! Congrats again!

Seniors, we were very happy to recognize each of you at the game last night! While we have many more events to look forward to, it’s always special to take time to call you by name and allow your friends and family to enjoy the moment with you. We look forward to seeing a strong finish of your time at Brandeis!
Onto the big events this week: The All-Region Jazz Clinic & Concert, Drumline Contest, and football game vs. Taft. Students who are participating in the Region Jazz clinic & concert will fulfill those responsibilities as scheduled. Regarding the football game, kick off has been moved by the district to 2 pm, during the drumline contest. While a change like this is not easy, we simply regroup and maneuver through it to complete everything the best we can, the Brandeis way. I have no doubt our parents and students will handle this in stride, as usual.
So here is some logistic information regarding working the contest and handling our football game responsibilities.
Parents: We do not need a full roster of roadies for the game vs. Taft. We will need parents to set up drum major podiums, but will not be using any props or front ensemble equipment. If available, please consider helping with the drumline contest. Chaperone assignments will be sent by Mrs. Mullin later this week.
Front Ensemble students will be helping with the drumline contest all day and will not be attending the game.
Brass, Colorguard, Drumline & Woodwind students interested in helping at the drumline contest and earning hours, you will need to sign up with a director on Tuesday. From the list, the directors will select students to fulfill specific roles for the contest. Brass, Colorguard, and Drumline students selected will leave their shifts to attend the football game, and then return to the contest to complete their role immediately after.
Woodwind students selected will work the contest in its entirety.
Specific details regarding roles for the drumline contest will be discussed with students by Mr. Suarez.
For those of you on Twitter and wish to get more connected to the band and Brandeis, check out and follow @BrandeisAsgari for director updates, announcements & more! Click HERE to view that profile!
Lastly, congratulations to both the Brandeis Bronco football and volleyball teams! The football team clinched a playoff spot last night with a win over Jay, and the Volleyball team is on to ROUND 3 of the playoffs, with a game this Tuesday against O’Connor. Best of luck to both teams as they work to extend their seasons!
If you have any questions, please email
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and GO BRONCOS!
11/6/18 - Tuesday - Jazz Brass Rehearsal 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
11/6/18 - Tuesday - Drumline ONLY, Volleyball Send-Off - 5:00 pm
11/8/18 - Thursday - Morning Rehearsal 7:30 am
11/8/18 - Thursday - BLT Meeting 4:15 pm
11/8/18 - Thursday - Jazz Saxophone Rehearsal 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
11/8/18 - Thursday - Percussion Sectional 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
11/9/18 - Friday - Region Jazz Clinic @ O’Connor HS - 9:00 am
11/9/18 - Friday - DRUMLINE ONLY - POSSIBLE Volleyball Send-Off, Time TBA
11/10/18 - Saturday - Region Jazz Concert @ O’Connor HS - 2:30 pm
11/10/18 - Saturday - South Texas Classic Drumline Festival - ALL DAY
11/10/18 - Saturday - Brandeis Vs. Taft @ Farris, 2:00 pm