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Director's Newsletter #26-18, March 3

Director’s Newsletter #26-18, March 3, 2019

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Here are the items covered in this week’s newsletter:

•Mulch Delivery & Contest Winners

•Full Orchestra UIL

•Percussion Places 3rd

•Report Cards

•Booster Meeting

Mulch Delivery & Contest Winners

Yesterday’s mulch delivery was an absolute success! I cannot say thank you enough to all of our parents and students who volunteered their time and efforts for the band. A program like ours can only be successful with a great support system in place that are our parents, and hard working students!

Below is a list of all students and parents who helped out yesterday:


Julie Anders

Jeff Barry

Fred Birmingham

Frank Cerda

Ben Crittenden

Jerry Crittenden

Michelle Crittenden

Susan Dickens

William Gorham

Ken Havens

Eric Hernandez

Michelle Hernandez

Martha Lopez

Tony Mencio

Sean Musick

Ida Nunez

Jerome Oddo

Edward Ortiz

Courtney Owens

Jimmy Reyes

Letty Reyes

Brendt Roper

Ed Sanchez

Sherry Schofield

Kathy Shields

Ignacio Sierra

Chip Thompson


Addie Lamb

Aiden Musick

Aldo Aradilles

Alec Jimenez

Alexandra Nunez

Alez Hernandez

Alicia Gonzalez

Allie Saenz

Andrew Craig

Andrew Schofield

Annie Villarreal

Bailey Moss

Brianna Batchelder

Cade Kouba

Carter Cerda

Cassidy Birmingham

Christian Vo

Connor Estrada

Connor Havens

Daniel Cachola

David Rincon

Devin Estrada

Edward Sanchez

Elias Leal

Emily Powell

Ethan Musick

Ethan Patrick

Evan Douphrate

Evans Torres

Gabriel Delgado

Gavin Delgado

Grant Owens

Greg Woodard

Haley Ginn

Helen Herrera

Ian Hoggard

Isabella Guerra

Isabella Lopez

Isaiah Johnson

Jack Thibodeau

Jaden Hune

Jamie Dart

Jamos Gutierrez

Jared Barry

Jaselle Reginaldo

Jeralyn Rodriguez

Jeremyah Rodriguez

Jeriah Rodriguez

Jonathan Bjerken

Jonathan Kressbach

Jordan Dickens

Joseph Jaimes

Katherine Zellner

Kaylee Zavala

Kirsten Dominguez

Kyle Owens

Leslie Goodman

Lizzie Crittenden

Logan Francesco

Luke Filyk

Marina Hinojosa

Matthew Schofield

Max Thibodeau

Michael Devleeschower

Michael Kressbach

Natalie Gorham

Natalie Llanes

Nikolas Offreda

Nikolas Oshman

Noah Horchin

Olivia Boyer

Oscar Rivera

Robert Paleo

Ryan Townsend

Sam Blanton

Serenity Hjossman

Sophia Larriberot

Stefen Oddo

Todd Gilhooly

Will Thompson

If I have missed anyone, please forgive me as this list coincides with the sign in sheets from yesterday.

I also have to take time to especially thank Jerry Crittenden. Mr. Crittenden created flyers, our online ordering system, managed orders, and organized our delivery day! Mr. Crittenden, you are such a large part of why this was a successful fundraiser and delivery, and I can’t thank you enough for the countless hours your dedicate to the program!


Lastly, we have 3 section winners of the mulch contest! Congratulations to the French Horns, Low Woodwinds & Double Reeds, and the Clarinets for winning the contest! We will discuss a date that works for our students to determine the section party.

Full Orchestra UIL

Congratulations to the Symphony Orchestra who earned straight 1s at the UIL Assessment on Thursday! I appreciate the time and effort that the students have put into this ensemble since December. Additionally, congratulations to all of the Brandeis String Ensembles who all earned straight 1s in their UIL performances led by Mr. Garcia-Hettinger & Ms. De Leon.

Well done!

Percussion Places 3rd

Congratulations to the Bronco Percussion Ensemble 1! The quartet made up of Nick Burroughs, Gavin Lotts, Shane Kruse and Fernando Pena performed at the Chamber & Concerto Competition at Reagan High School on Saturday and placed 3rd over all! A second ensemble made up of Matthew Sinclair, Natalie Sotelo, Brooke Schmoyer, Ethan Peralez, Emilio Magallan, Jackson Wood, and Mia Rasmussen also performed at the contest. Congratulations to all students involved and of course Mr. Suarez for leading our percussion program to consistent excellence!

Report Cards

The 6 weeks grading period came to an end on Friday and report cards will go home this coming Friday. With our Concert and Sight Reading UIL Assessment approaching, students need to be eligible in order to participate with their ensemble. Should a student be ineligible, they are still responsible for assignments and objectives related to the UIL music selections. If you are unclear about any of this, please contact me so that I may help.

Booster Meeting

Our monthly booster meeting will be on Tuesday, March 5th at 7 pm in the band hall. Please do your best to attend and spend time with our outstanding parents!

Please be sure to check the calendar below for this week’s events and as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at


-Mr. Asgari


3/3/19 - Monday - JV Winter Guard Rehearsal, 4:30 pm - 6 pm

3/3/19 - Monday - Varsity Clarinets & Flutes, 7:30 am

3/3/19 - Monday - Full Jazz I, 4:30 pm


3/4/19 - Tuesday - A2 Woodwinds, 7:30 am

3/4/19 - Tuesday - Percussion Ensemble, 4:30 pm

3/4/19 - Tuesday - Freshman/A3 Brass, 4:30 pm

3/4/19 - Tuesday - Full Jazz I, 4:30 pm

3/4/19 - Tuesday - Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal, 6 pm - 8 pm

3/4/19 - Tuesday - Booster Meeting, 7 pm


3/5/19 - Wednesday - A2 Trumpets/Horns, 7:30 am

3/5/19 - Wednesday - Senior Scholarship Meeting, 7:30 am

3/5/19 - Wednesday - Varsity Ensemble, 8:00 am

3/5/19 - Wednesday - Percussion Ensemble, 4:30 pm

3/5/19 - Wednesday - Jazz Band Clinic with Rick Baptist, 4:15 pm

3/5/19 - Wednesday - Rick Baptist Open Clinic, 5:00 pm


3/6/19 - Thursday - Percussion Ensemble, 7:30 am

3/6/19 - Thursday - A2 Low Brass, 7:30 am

3/6/19 - Thursday - Varsity Brass, 7:30 am

3/6/19 - Thursday - Varsity Ensemble, 8:30 am

3/6/19 - Thursday - Freshman/A3 Woodwinds, 4:30 pm

3/6/19 - Thursday - Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal, 6 pm - 8 pm


3/7/19 - Friday - Percussion Ensemble, 7:30 am

3/7/19 - Friday - Varsity Ensemble, 7:30 am

3/8/19 - Saturday - Spring Break through 3/17/19

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