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Director's Newsletter - #14 - 2019, December 1

Director’s Newsletter #14-19, December 1, 2019 Good morning! Here is what you will find in this week's newsletter: •REGION BAND AUDITIONS •HOLIDAY CONCERTS •ROUND 4 PLAYOFFS •DISNEY MEETINGS •PHOTOS •FIREHOUSE SUBS BAND NIGHTS •NHS INDUCTION CEREMONY •THANK YOU REGION BAND AUDITIONS The All Region Band auditions will take place on Friday and Saturday this week. Freshman region auditions will be on Friday, with check in starting at 5 pm. Students auditioning will have a bus waiting for them at Stevens HS to take them to the Alamodome for the football game that evening. Any students who does not complete their audition by 8:30 pm will need to be picked up by a parent from Stevens HS and are not required to attend the game. Freshman attending auditions will need to pick up a meal in the cafeteria from band parents and take it with them as they leave the school. This will be the meal they eat prior to auditions and the football game, should they make the cutoff time. Those students who advanced from the All District round will audition for Region Band on Saturday, December 7th at Stevens HS. Check in will be at 8 am. Those students who earn entry into the All Area band will continue on in the audition process in January in Austin, Tx. HOLIDAY CONCERTS This week we will be performing our annual Holiday concerts. Tuesday will be our Jazz Holiday concert at 7 pm, and Wednesday will be our concert bands Holiday concerts at 6 pm. Both events will take place in the Brandeis auditorium. ROUND 4 PLAYOFFS Congratulations to the Bronco football team who advanced to Round 4 of the football playoffs. Below are details regarding tickets, entry, and bag policy. Brandeis vs. Westlake HS Alamodome Friday, December 6, 7:30 pm THE ALAMODOME HAS A STRICT CLEAR BAG POLICY. NO ONLINE TICKET SALES Purchase tickets Wednesday - Friday, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm in the Brandeis Cafe Presale: Students - $6, Adults - $12 All tickets at gate are $12 Alamodome Parking - TBA DISNEY PAYMENTS Today is the due date of the final payment for Disney. If you have yet to make any payments, please visit the online store and take care of your outstanding balance. Please also remember that all band fees of those students attending must be paid off. If you have any questions regarding a balance, please email me. DISNEY MEETING On Thursday we will have a Disney meeting to go over park ticket & fast pass information. Students and adults attending need to be at this meeting to get their ticket information. The meeting will be in the band hall at 4:30 pm. This is not a meeting to go over protocol and procedures of this trip. That meeting will be in January after winter break. PHOTOS It was brought to my attention that a photographer who documents the football games every week has taken some very good photos of our students. These photos are available for download for a small fee. For those of you interested in seeing some of these pictures, please visit HERE. Here is a photo that was taken at one of our games:

FIREHOUSE SUBS BAND NIGHTS Next week we will have 3 Band Spirit Nights at Firehouse Subs, located at 11600 Bandera Rd, next to Academy. The owner is a future Bronco Band parent and is looking to help support the program. He has generously given us 3 nights to benefit from. Spirit nights will be 12/9 - 12/11, Monday - Wednesday from 6 pm - 8 pm. A portion of all sales on those days between those times will be donated to the band program! Please make time to visit Firehouse Subs one of those evenings!

NHS INDUCTION CEREMONY Monday will be our annual NHS Induction Ceremony in the Brandeis Auditorium at 6 pm. Please be sure to arrive early as this event will begin promptly. Rehearsal for this will be on Monday morning at 7:45 am in the auditorium. THANK YOU I'd like to thank all of those parents who helped coordinate and volunteer a successful and safe trip to Laredo on Friday for our football game. Our parents were phenomenal as usual, not missing a beat. This only happens with our selfless parents willing to help our program and students. Thank you for all that you do! As always, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at Have a great day! -Mr. Asgari WEEK 14 12/2/19 - Monday - All Percussion Rehearsal, 7:30 am 12/2/19 - Monday - Jazz Combo, 8 am 12/2/19 - Monday - NHS Induction Ceremony, BHS Auditorium, 6 pm 12/2/19 - Monday - Musical Rehearsal, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm 12/2/19 - Monday - Full Jazz Rehearsal, 4:30 pm - 6 pm -- 12/3/19 - Tuesday - Jazz Combo, 7:30 am 12/3/19 - Tuesday - Freshman Band Rehearsal, 8 am 12/3/19 - Tuesday - A2 Brass, 8:15 am 12/3/19 - Tuesday - Jazz Holiday Concert, BHS Auditorium, 7 pm -- 12/4/19 - Wednesday - All Percussion Rehearsal, 7:30 am 12/4/19 - Wednesday - Band Holiday Concert, BHS Auditorium, 6 pm -- 12/5/19 - Thursday - Marching Band Rehearsal, 7 am 12/5/19 - Thursday - Disney Ticket & Fast Pass Meeting, 4:30 pm -- 12/6/19 - Friday - Possible Pep Rally, 7 am 12/6/19 - Friday - Freshman Region Auditions, Stevens HS, 5 pm 12/6/19 - Friday - BHS vs. Westlake, Alamodome, 7:30 pm -- 12/7/19 - Saturday - All Region Auditions, Stevens HS, 8 am Week 15 - Tentative 12/9/19 - Monday - Firehouse Subs Spirit Nights, Bandera/1604 Locations, 6 pm - 8 pm -- 12/10/19 - Tuesday - Region Orchestra Sectional, TBA, 6 pm 12/10/19 - Tuesday - Firehouse Subs Spirit Nights, Bandera/1604 Locations, 6 pm - 8 pm -- 12/11/19 - Wednesday - Firehouse Subs Spirit Nights, Bandera/1604 Locations, 6 pm - 8 pm -- 12/12/19 - Thursday - Possible Marching Band Rehearsal, 7 am -- 12/13/19 - Friday - Region Orchestra Clinic & Concert, TBA -- 12/14/19 - Saturday - Region Orchestra Clinic & Concert, TBA POSSIBLE FOOTBALL GAME ON FRIDAY OR SATURDAY

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